Tuesday, March 7, 2017

A Link to Mike Kelley

With not much creativity on my part, I view the internet as a big black hole where everything gets dumped and where you enter at your own peril in search of anything specific.  It is a place where everything is and thus nothing much exists very meaningfully.  Into this dumping ground I often pitch some of my thoughts and images with very little expectation that any of them will make it unto any shore.  Very occasionally, and what to me seems miraculously, for better and for worse, my blog entries actually get read by someone. …And what a bunch of mixed metaphors this opening paragraph has turned out to be - hah! 

Although Voo d’Art exists in blog form, I actually put it together more as a whole: one piece about one specific artwork of mine.  It is not a blog to which I post about any other artworks (mine or not), or where I disseminate periodical information or thoughts about anything else; that I do on my Raving Artist Wife blog.

I have not posted any new entries here since I completed "this piece" in August of 2010.  I’ve just let it float in the seas of the internet like a bottle with a picture whose "stats" I look at only to bet with myself on how many days it will “flatline”. Yesterday however, my little bottle of a blog actually made it to some far off shore and I received an email from someone at Artsy.net, who must have combed the internet as if she were Mark Tansey's Robbe Grillet Cleansing Everything, telling me she had found it.  

She enthusiastically requested that I link my blog to the Mike Kelley Artsy page.  I love Mike Kelley’s work and told her I’d be honored to put a link to his page on my page, so here it is, click on it: